You don’t have to be an adventurer like Bear Grylls to get involved with Scouting. Do you have first aid knowledge? Are you good with numbers? Handy in the kitchen? Or are you a DIY whizz? We all have useful skills and you can volunteer and help in many ways.
We are always on the lookout for parents of members to come along and join the Group Executive Committee. If you wish to help the Group in any of these capacities please let us know via the Contact link.

Frank Driessen
Group ChairpersonFrank stepped up as Chairman in 2020.

Simon Hooper
Group SecretarySimon is a recent addition to our Viking family but is already making a positive impact to the exec

Jo Hart
Group TreasurerJo has been our treasurer for nearly 10 years, but is looking to step down at the next AGM. If you could help, please contact us

Bryan Stone
Group QuartermasterBryan looks after our equipment and storage

Andy King
New HQ Lead ( and Beaver Leader)Andy is heading up our new HQ project in addition to leading the Thursday beaver crew

Faye Curtis-Kay
Fundraising and internal commsFaye is mostly dealing with Grants and other funding opportunities, but is also helping with internal comms until we can find someone to take on this role

Cara Carter
HQ ManagerCara manages our booking as well as arranging cleaning and inspections

Freddie Driessen
Waiting list co-ordinatorFreddie has just agreed to take on the task of coordinating our waiting lists and making sure that welcome packs go out to our new Squirrel and Beavers

Bernard Wolff
Bosun’s crew and Scout leaderNursie is one of our Scout leaders and is also a member of the Exec and is part of the Bosun’s crew

Kate Ah-Moye
Group exec member and Scout leaderKate is one of our Scout leaders and is also a member of the Exec

Gavin Owen
New HQ team and Scout leaderGav is one of our Scout leaders and is also a member of the Exec and the new HQ team

Stuart Robson
New HQ team, Bosum’s crew and Scout leaderStoo is one of our Scout leaders and is also a member of the Exec, Bosun’s crew and the new HQ team

Giles Haggerty
Bosun and Group Scout leaderGiles is our Group Scout Leader and is also a member of the Exec and is acting as Bosun until we find someone to take on this role
So how does it work?
A Scout Group is led by a Group Scout Leader and managed by a Group Executive Committee. They are accountable to the Group Scout Council for the satisfactory running of the Group.
The Group Scout Council is the electoral body, which supports Scouting in the Scout Group. It is the body to which the Group Executive Committee is accountable.
Membership of the Group Scout Council is open to:
- Scouters;
- Drey, Colony, Pack and Troop Assistants ;
- Patrol Leaders;
- all parents of Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts and Scouts.
The Group Executive Committee supports the Group Scout Leader and ensures the effective administration of the Scout Group. The Group Scout Leader nominates the Group Chairman and the relationship is one of partnership and mutual support.
The Group Executive Committee aims to make sure that the Scout Group has the facilities and resources needed to deliver good Scouting in the Group.
This includes:
- the maintenance of the Group’s property and equipment
- the raising of funds and the administration of the Group’s finance
- the insurance of persons, property and equipment
- Group public occasions
- assisting with the recruitment of Leaders and other adult support
The Group Executive Committee consists of:
Ex-officio Members:
- The Group Chairman;
- The Group Secretary;
- The Group Treasurer;
- The Group Scout Leader;
- All Section Leaders (i.e. individuals holding a Squirrel Scout leader, Beaver Scout Leader, Cub Scout Leader or Scout Leader role).
- Representative from Viking ESU
Nominated Members
- persons nominated by the Group Scout Leader.
Elected Members
- persons elected at the Group Annual General Meeting.
if you are able to assist the Exec, or if you have skills or anything else to offer, then please contact them at