We are a very popular group with an exciting and challenging programme. As such, we are usually running with full sections, however when places do become available, we fill them from our Application list.

In early 2019 we opened a new Beaver, Cub and Scout section. Each Beaver, Cub, Scout and Explorer pays a certain amount of money per year. this is called Subscriptions and is used to fund scout HQ as well as our own hall, insurance, maintenance and so on. Our subs don’t actually cover our running costs let along repairs and new boats etc, so we have a number of fundraisers through the year. These are vital to the existence of the group as even though all our leaders and supporters are volunteers, keeping the group running does cost quite a bit, especially as we are a Sea Scout group.
The Subs are set at £150 per year, payable via stop order either annually or termly (£50 x 3) in advance. If you volunteer to be a leader and complete your training, the subs are reduced.